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Pilot Academy PlayStation Portable

When you've got a game that so closely manages to invoke the spirit of Pilotwings that it's almost as if Nintendo had a hand in its conception, it's nigh on impossible not to bring it up in a review. Which is precisely why we thought we'd get it out of the way right at the beginning. There you go: Pilot Academy - it's a bit like Pilotwings.

But, to be honest, it really isn't at all. You see, while the irreverent objectives, cheerful graphics and lilting musical ambiance are undoubtedly reminiscent of Nintendo's classic series, Pilot Academy is far more of a sim than Pilotwings ever was - and that's something you'll need to understand right from the off if you're going to avoid spending your first couple of hours with the game cursing a furious pox on its designers, their spouses, children and that woman who pops around every Thursday to dust off the gladiolas.

Initially, you'll want to steer your plane with the kind of simplistic arcade turn-on-a-dime control you'd generally expect from a game of this nature. It quickly becomes apparent that's not how the developer wants you to play at all, though. Instead, you'll need to take manual control of banking, pitch and yaw, rudder, take off, cruise and landing gears, your air brakes, undercarriage and, in later missions, weapons.

Gameplay is split into three distinct sections - lessons, missions and challenges - with each further divided into leisure or military pursuits. It's worth mentioning the tutorial missions here, which range from getting yourself airborne to filling an enemy aircraft with lead. When there's so much to get to grips with in a game we applaud a well-implemented compulsory tutorial. Thing is, Pilot Academy just doesn't do a very good job of introducing even the most basic of techniques you'll need to see you through to the end.

Download Link:

Posted by WorldOfDaRkneSS Sunday, December 19, 2010


  1. Unknown Says:
  2. does not work the link is broken

  3. Aarif Says:
  4. H until


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